DNA Systems



15 nov 2009

The DiGiCo SD-8 Overdrive Open Seminarsfinished

The DiGiCo SD-8 Overdrive Open Days closed very successfully on Friday the 14th of November. In the 3 days of the organization, 90 sound engineers from all around Greece participated, some of them with already experience in the use of the SD-8, that wanted to learn the new possibilities that the console has due to the new operating system Overdrive and some of them in order to see the SD-8 closely for the first time and learn its basic operation.

Mr. James Bradley of DiGiCo that was also the instructor, was completely satisfied from the skills of the participants and from the quality of their questions. From their part,  all participants declared impressed from the possibilities of the Sd-8 with the new Overdrive operating system and they asked for similar seminars as soon as possible. Appointment therefore in some months with seminars in the use of SD-??????  Stay tuned for more news!

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